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How do I create an online account?

There are two ways to create an online account. You can create an online account either through our mobile app or our website. Please note that once you have created an online account you will use the same login for both the mobile app and website.

To create an account through our mobile app please search and download the “MOHI” mobile app in your app store. Once you have downloaded the app you will push the button, “Sign Up” and follow the prompts. Once you have completed all necessary steps you will be directed to your account where you can view your child sponsorship(s). If you do not immediately see your sponsored child on your account, please give it 24 hours to update. However, if after 24 hours you still do not see your sponsored child, please contact our US Office at 1-844-568-6644 (LOV-MOHI) or sponsorship@mohiafrica.org.

To create an account on our website please visit mohiafrica.org/login.

How to Create an Online Account:
1. Go to mohiafrica.org/login.
2. Click “Create Account”.
3. Fill out all required fields.
4. Once you have finished filling out the required fields, click “Create Account”.
5. You will then be taken to a page that has a button saying “View your account”, click that button.
6. You should then be able to view your account and child sponsorship!

Please note, it may take up to 24 hours for your new account to sync and populate with your data. However, if after 24 hours you still do not see your sponsored child, please contact our US Office at 1-844-568-6644 (LOV-MOHI) or sponsorship@mohiafrica.org.

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