

A quick look at all the things that make us MOHI.

Transforming Lives Through the Hope of Christ

MOHI empowers disadvantaged communities in Africa through education, healthcare, economic development, and evangelism, breaking the cycle of poverty and sharing the hope of Jesus.

Our Challenge is Poverty

Poverty comes in all forms, physical, spiritual, emotional, relational, economic. It robs people of their basic needs— food, clean water, sanitation, healthcare, and education. It destroys hope, purpose, and self-worth. It infects hearts with isolation, apathy, dependency, disconnection, and addiction. Poverty is life fallen short of God’s intent.

Our Approach is Holistic

Poverty fractures relationship with self, others, God, and society. We strive to make these relationships whole and transform lives so that people in extreme poverty can live as God intended. Our strategy is holistic: The whole gospel for the whole person. Our integrated programs address brokenness in every area of life to bring hope in Christ. Every MOHI program seeks to educate, empower, restore, and redeem.

Educate Children

The Next Generation
of Children

Empower Families

Economically, Socially,
and Emotionally

Restore Health

Healthy Bodies, Minds
and Relationships

Redeem Lives

Through the Gospel
of Christ

Our Results are Transformational

Children educated, parents empowered, communities restored, lives redeemed. The hope of Christ is spreading throughout unreached and overlooked communities and we won’t stop until God’s transformation increases beyond measure.


Communities Served


Students Educated


Churches Planted


Skills Training Graduates Yearly


Current Microloan Clients


Patients Treated Yearly

Our Unique Characteristics At A Glance


Our 360º approach helps address issues from all angles.


We provide a hand up not a hand out for lasting sustainable change.


Impact starts with a child, but spreads to their family and community.

Entry Point

We leverage education and the local church.

Locally Led

We are founded by Kenyans, run by nationals, serving nationals.

Child Sponsorship

An important tool but not all that we are.

Our Communities

Our focus and strength is serving in disadvantaged communities. We began in the Mathare Valley slum of Nairobi, Kenya and have since spread to adjacent slums. In 2013, we started reaching remote and rural communities nationwide. In 2023 we expanded beyond Kenya to Liberia.

Our Team

Our vision is propelled by a dedicated staff of over 1,700, an accomplished Board of Directors and over 80 partnering organizations who champion holistic, lasting transformation.

Our Story

After hearing God’s persistent call to minister in Mathare, Dr. Wallace and Mary Kamau founded MOHI in the year 2000 with an initial enrollment of 50 kindergarten students. Over the years, God has blessed the ministry through new partners and rapid growth. Today, over 25,000 students attend school in over 35 centers and our transformational programs reach thousands more.

Want to join in fulfilling our mission?

Your support is instrumental in helping to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to Kenyan children and their families.