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  4. How do I send a message through the website?

How do I send a message through the website?

Sending messages through the website is a great way to communicate with your sponsored child. When you send a message through the website, that message is then delivered to your sponsored child’s social worker. Their social worker will first review the message to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your sponsored child to receive. Upon checking the message, the social worker will then schedule a time to share the message and give an opportunity for your sponsored child to respond. Once they respond you will receive their response through your online account in the same place the message was sent.

Additionally, you are only able to send one message at a time and there is a character limit of 1000 characters. Once the message has been delivered and your sponsored child has responded, you are welcome to send another message. Along with sending a message, you also have the capability to attach an image to send with your message.

How to Send a Message Online:
1. Go to mohiafrica.org/login.
2. Login with your account using the email associated with your sponsorship account. If you need to reset your password please select “Forgot your password?”.
3. Once you have logged in, go to the “My Child Sponsorships” tab and click on it to expand the tab.
4. You will then see a picture of your sponsored child, and below it, there is a “Send Message” button. Click on it to redirect to our messaging platform.
5. Once you have arrived at the messaging platform, you can type your message in the message field and send it by clicking the paper airplane icon. You can also attach a photo by using the photo icon. Once you hit the paper airplane icon, your message will be sent!

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