
Community Update - Term 2, 2023


Head Teacher’s Greeting:

We give glory and thanks to God for guiding us to the conclusion of term two for this year. As we reflect on the accomplishments and significant moments, we’d like to share some of the highlights with you. Your ongoing support and partnership throughout this term have been deeply appreciated as we work to bring transformation through the love of Jesus.

Job Barasa, Head Teacher Ndovoini


Current Stats: 

Number of Students:1140

Unsponsored Students: 306


Term Highlights:

  • We’re delighted that our MOHI boys’ students have taken part in different sports competitions, advancing all the way to the county level. Congratulations to our soccer, volleyball and netball teams. 
  • We are so excited to see our primary and MOHI boys participating in the National Music Festivals. While the high school group reached the regional level, the primary students are progressing to the national level. Congratulations to all our students for their outstanding performances!


Transformation Story:

Samantha*, one of our parents at Ndovoini Center, resides in the Changamwe area. She faced a challenging turn of events after losing her husband in 2020 due to a short illness. Life took a different trajectory following his passing. Disputes over land with her husband’s family resulted in the demolition of her temporary house. Consequently, she had to relocate with her three children to her parents’ home. With the family struggling to afford a meal a day, access to water became a hurdle, and even accessing something as little as a bathing soap posed a challenge.

In an attempt to make ends meet, Samantha was compelled to leave her daughter under the care of her elderly mother while she sought housekeeping jobs. Her daughter’s frequent sickness and school absences became the norm. When a nutritionist assessed the children’s health and nutrition status at our school, it was revealed that Samantha’s three children were suffering from malnutrition. They were subsequently enrolled in a nutrition program, resulting in notable improvements. Samantha’s daughter has become much healthier, displaying increased vitality and active participation in class. Her instances of illness have substantially reduced.

Sometime later, Samantha fell ill and lost her housekeeping job. She returned home to care for her daughter and then joined one of our Community Health Evangelism (CHE) groups after she recovered. This group provided empowerment on health, hygiene, spiritual encouragement, and economic skills. Samantha reconnected with her faith, started attending church, and wholeheartedly engaged in church activities. Through collaborative efforts with local leadership and her husband’s family, we advocated for the handing back of her land. After several discussions, her husband’s family agreed, and they provided the family with a temporary accommodation structure.

An opportunity emerged in an opening in MOHI’s cleaning department and Samantha was employed as a cleaner. Samantha is deeply thankful to the organization for extending help during her time of need and for consistently standing by her side during her most challenging moments. Her children’s health and hygiene have improved, and they now attend school regularly.

*Name has been changed to protect privacy.


Partner Activity:

  • Lakeside Christian Church organized a Vacation Bible School (VBS) and conducted home visits.
  • SouthPointe Christian Church visited our center and took a tour of our water plant.
  • Rocky Mountain Christian Church conducted health and medical screenings for our students.
  • First Christian Church visited homes of parents and community members, and also provided coach training.


Prayer Requests:

  • We’re grateful for the funds that have come in to help complete the high school complex. The new complex can now accommodate all the students and staff under one building. It keeps the children cool during the heat of the day and warm during the cold nights.  
  • Please join us in praying for our candidates who are diligently preparing for their national tests this year. These tests are vital to their education and we pray for their good health to be able to take them.

Sponsor a Child at Nyeri

There are students at Nyeri that don’t have a sponsor. Will you sponsor one today?