Molo Turi High

Community Update - Term 2, 2023

Molo Turi High

Head Teacher’s Greeting:

Christian greetings,

This term has been an excellent term for us. It was full of activities and we would like to share some of the highlights. Thank you for your support and partnership in the transformation of our learners.

Thank you

Wilson Mwaniki, Head Teacher Turi High School. 


Current Stats: 

Number of Students: 57

 Unsponsored Students: 5


Term Highlight:

  • We take great pride in our accomplishment of participating in co-curricular competitions within Molo Sub-county, where our soccer team demonstrated exceptional performance.
  • We successfully organized our inaugural academic clinic. Our parents were genuinely enthusiastic about the positive changes taking place in the lives of their children.
  • Our sustainability initiatives at the center yielded remarkable results. We had planted potatoes and cabbages and the harvested produce was distributed to all Missions of Hope Centers in Nairobi.


Transformation Story:

Grace* is the second-born child in a family of five siblings. She became a part of MOHI in 2013 when she was in kindergarten. She attended Ndovoini Center up to sixth grade. Initially, Grace faced the challenge of walking a considerable distance to school every morning and evening. Thankfully, her family social worker took the initiative to transfer her to Joska Center, where she began boarding. This change brought immense relief, positively impacting her academic progress. As a result, she achieved an improved academic standing, ultimately attaining a score of 309 marks in the KCPE exams in 2022.

Grace really desired to join high school this year to pursue her goal of becoming an accountant. Unfortunately, this desire seemed far-fetched due to her parent’s unstable financial standing. This unfortunate situation led Grace to contemplate dark thoughts including suicide, especially as her peers began their high school journey. Thankfully, the intervention of a social worker changed her trajectory, facilitating her enrollment at Missions of Hope Turi High School.

Since joining Turi High School, Grace has experienced renewed excitement and relief. She is no longer burdened by farming and household chores during school hours, as her friends pursue their education. Thriving in subjects like math and geography, Grace has received additional support from her teachers, propelling her to emerge as one of the top students in her class. Her gratitude towards MOHI for their unwavering support shines through. With her spirit rekindled, Grace’s hope is restored, and she is determined to pursue her dream career in accounting.

The transformation witnessed in Grace’s life is a testament to the impact of guidance, support, and intervention. We are grateful for the positive changes that have shaped Grace’s journey and look forward to her bright future.

*Name changed to protect privacy.


Prayer Requests:

  • Let’s pray that the upcoming term’s programs will have a profound impact and bring about meaningful transformation for our students.

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