Korogocho Nyayo

Community Update - Term 4, 2022

Korogocho Nyayo

Greetings from Korogocho Nyayo Center! Another amazing school term has come to a close and we want to share some of the highlights. Thank you for your support and partnership as we work to transform lives through Christ.

Bob Otieno Omolo
Head Teacher Korogocho Nyayo

Current Stats

  • Total Enrolled: 607students
  • Total Unsponsored: 221 students

Hope Transforms: A Success Story

Ben* joined our Korogocho Nyayo center in 2019 when he was in grade 6. His family had been having a hard time after their father left them. Ben’s younger sibling suffers from Autism and when Ben’s father realized this he left the family of 3 children and their mother.

Ben’s mother became overwhelmed with the burden of providing for her children on her own and so she fell into a depression. She was no longer able to take care of her children and as a result, they relied on well-wishers for food, but this often meant that they went hungry.

After Ben was enrolled he would rarely come to school, this is what caught the attention of his teachers who asked the social worker to pay his family a visit. While Ben’s mother narrated her woes it was apparent that she was in no position to keep Ben accountable and so Ben would wander into the streets and not go to school.

The social worker put in a lot of effort to visit the family frequently, counseling Ben’s mother, giving her the right tools to help her cope with the situation, and praying with her. As time went by all the counseling sessions with Ben’s mother began to bear fruit. She was encouraged to look for casual jobs that would bring in some income. She started washing clothes for people and this lifted her self-esteem. Her new job has given her the opportunity to afford to feed her family. Soon she started to attend a nearby church and she managed to enroll her special needs child into a special needs school.

Ben now comes to school regularly, his academic performance has improved as he has been able to concentrate and things at home are doing better. We continue to pray for Ben’s mother’s mental health.

*Name has been changed.

Term Highlights

  • 64 boys and girls graduated from kindergarten to grade 1. We are grateful to God for bringing them to this exciting new milestone.
  • Our staff participated in team-building activities that have built a stronger and more resilient team.
  • We are very proud of our scout’s club that participated in the Day of the African Child celebrations. They marched, danced and received different prizes such as scouts’ uniforms. Each of them got a certificate of participation.

Prayer Activity

  • We were pleased to have Southside Christian Church visit us last term. They had VBS with our over 500 students on the theme of trusting in God. They also did other activities such as nature walks with our students at Karura Forest and learning assessments.
  • The partners also bought food baskets for the children that were malnourished. The partners also distributed cutlery for the families they visited and they also prayed for the families they visited.
  • Several kids received various gifts from our partners this term. We are so thankful for sending us the gifts. May God bless you abundantly.

Prayer Requests

  • Join us to pray for rain. Some parts of Kenya are experiencing severe drought. We pray that God sends us adequate rainfall to enable us to prepare our land and have a bumper harvest.
  • Pray for good health among our learners, parents, and staff members.
  • Help us pray for more employment opportunities for the families that we serve so they can improve their living standards.

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