
Community Update - Term 2, 2023


Head Teacher’s Greeting:


Greetings from all of us at Missions of Hope Kiamaiko! We are incredibly grateful and honored to partner with you dear friends, in the important work of transforming lives through the hope of Christ in the Kiamaiko community.

We are thrilled to report that the Lord has once again guided us through a successful term, and we can’t wait to share all the wonderful achievements and highlights with you. Your support and collaboration have made a significant impact on the lives of many, and we are truly thankful for your continued partnership. Together, we are making a positive difference and spreading hope in the community.

Thank you for being a part of this meaningful journey with us!

Mwirigi Kelvin, Head Teacher Kiamaiko.


Current Stats:

Number of Students: 1213

Unsponsored Students: 244


Transformation Story:

Rick* was a student at Kiamaiko-Ngei Centre. He comes from a single-mother household. His mother relies on casual work, which often provides a low and unpredictable income.

Rick was brought into Missions of Hope in 2012 when he joined grade three. During a visit to the community, MOHI social workers encountered Rick scavenging in the waste dump for items to sell.. He explained that he had gone without food for multiple days and had turned to scavenging to feed himself. His mother’s income was inconsistent, leaving the family without the ability to have regular meals.

Lack of sustenance and negative influences from misguided peers had led Rick to consider leaving home and living on the streets, causing him to abandon his education.

Upon enrolling in Kiamaiko Centre, with guidance, counseling, prayers, and support from the staff, Rick became an engaged participant during devotions, joined the debate club, and contributed actively to the soccer team. Even Rick’s academic performance witnessed remarkable improvement. Thanks to effective teaching, spiritual nourishment, MOHI’s feeding program, and supportive efforts, he successfully passed his primary school exams and progressed to high school.

After high school, Rick pursued electrical wiring studies at our MOHI Training Institute at Kariobangi. He now serves as a motivational speaker for his siblings and peers. Today, he stands as a role model within the community, inspiring others to overcome challenges and strive for success.

Rick is now 21 years old and actively participating in mentoring many of our students who graduated from high school and are in our MNARA program – an after-high school program at MOHI, geared towards mentoring and training young adults. 

*Name has been changed to protect privacy.


Term Highlights:

  • Learners enthusiastically took part in the music festivals, advancing up to the regional level.
  • Excitement bubbled as our sports team participated and trained for regional competitions. They competed in soccer, volleyball, and handball.
  • The community came together in a spirit of unity, engaging in prayers and fasting. Our staff and the community held corporate prayer and fasting. 


Partner Activity:

  • We were delighted to host Summit Christian Church, which organized a VBS for 892 learners.


Prayer Requests:

  • We also ask for prayers for the community we serve, that they may experience a life of peace and harmony within their homes and with their neighbors.
  • Lastly, we humbly request prayers for the successful registration of our junior secondary school. Your support through prayer is deeply appreciated.

Sponsor a Child at Kiamaiko

There are students at Kiamaiko that don’t have a sponsor. Will you sponsor one today?